About Me

I graduated with honors from The Pennsylvania State University, where I studied biology with an emphasis on animal behavior. I bought my first aquarium while attending college and quickly became obsessed with the science and overal enjoyment of keeping aquariums. Apart from studying the behavior of marine animals, one of my favorite aspects of aquarium maintenance is performing water quality tests and making sure that the chemistry is perfectly balanced (like I said, I just love the science of it). I began volunteering at the Adventure Aquarium in Camden, New Jersey three years ago and it is still one of the most rewarding experiences that I’m able to share in my life. At the aquarium I keep logs of the fish’s behavior patterns as well as logs for maintenance and feeding. I also interned for the Philadelphia Zoo, studying animal behavior, particularly the zoo’s free range golden lion tamarins. I also kept close records of the gibbons’ morning rituals there as well.

Even though I am generally obsessed with nature and animals, fish are my favorite. Aquariums are just like wonderlands of form and color that we can now capture in our homes. I feel lucky to be able to help people experience the joy of having a beautiful tank. When a person can sit back and stare into their aquarium for hours just taking in its mystery and splendor, that’s when I know I’ve done my job as an aquarist. My favorite fish are the pinnatus batfish, threadfish, puffers, and boxfish. The coolest marine creature that I’ve seen recently is the cuttlefish.